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Contact information of the company «The Union of Medicine & Technologies», ltd.
«The Union of Medicine & Technologies», ltd.
Ukraine, 04073, Kyiv, Stepana Bandery Avenue, 21
Tel.: +38 (044) 490-35-41 (Russian, Ukrainian)
e-mail: smt@medtex.com.ua
X-ray equipment:
Naiier Andriy (Andrey)
Tel.: +38 (044) 490-35-41 (Russian, Ukrainian)
e-mail: nayer@medtex.com.ua
Medical monitors:
Lytvynenko Bogdan
Tel.: +38 (044) 490-35-41 (English, Russian, Ukrainian)
e-mail: bohdan@medtex.com.ua
Company «The Union of Medicine & Technologies», ltd., is located on the territory of the KUFP «Medaparatura» - Stepana Bandery Avenue, 21.
To easy access, please come to the metro station «Pochaina» or use the trolleybus - number 25, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34 to the stop «Shopping Mall «Gorodok».
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This information cannot be used as official document, for example, for the preparation of the technical part of the tender documentation.
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